Misbourne Valley

Cattery, Kennels & Bunny hotel

Cat Boarding

Cats £15 per day/night
Two cats sharing £25 per day/night
Triple cats sharing £30 per day/night
Multiples and long term stays on application
Cats must be sterilised and fully inoculated

Dog Boarding

Dogs £25 per day/night
Two dogs sharing £40 per day/night
All Kennels Include own runs
Luxury kennels available on application
Please be aware that we have limited kennel housing
and during both peak and off peak can quickly become fully booked.

Rabbits and Guinea pig Boarding

Single rabbit - £12per night
Double rabbit - £20per night
Triple rabbit (large run and hutch space combined) - £30per night
Max 3 rabbits sharing
We can supply a hutch for you fluffy friends

Booking Form

    Main Contact

    Emergency Contact

    Booking Date



    Booking Summary

    Pet Details

    Vaccinated: Wormed:

    Neutered: Flea Treated:

    Other Details

    Add 2nd Pet

    If you wish to add 2nd pet please click review and add 2nd pet details

    Pet Details

    Vaccinated: Wormed:

    Neutered: Flea Treated:

    Other Details


    I agree to allow veterinary assessment and emergency treatment from Arden House Animal Hospital.
    I agree to my pet being transported for emergency veterinary assessment.
    I would like my pets from the same household to share accommodation (as detailed in this booking request).
    I agree for my pets to be separated if a problem arises.
    My dog(s) can be walked, off-site, with other dogs from outside of my household.
    My pet(s) can have treats and play with toys as part of our enrichment program.
    I agree that any personal belongings left with my pet are left at my own risk.
    I agree to pay costs of any emergency veterinary treatment necessary during my pet’s stay.
    I agree to pay the full nightly rate for boarding extension period outside of the dates specified above.
    I agree to the full terms and conditions laid out in our terms and conditions document.
    I agree to pay the fee's applicable for this boarding request. These will be calculated according to the current tariff and will be communicated to me upon confirmation of this booking.

    By clicking Submit you consent to the conditions above and terms & conditions

    Field View, Broken Gate Lane Denham, Bucks. UB9 4LA
    07730 067414 / 01895 834606
    Monday-Sunday 9.30am - 12.30pm
    Important info
    Safe in our hands

    Licences issued by Buckinghamshire Council under The Animal Welfare
    (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals)(England) Regulations 2018.

    LC202301-82908 (March 2023)



    Dear valued customers
    We Have spaces left for the summer holidays
    Contact asap as the diary is fulling up fast

    Dropped off and collected is still
    Mon-sun 9.30 – 12.30pm

    Thank you for your interest in our family run Misbourne Cattery where your pet will receive our personal attention and care

    Best wishes
